The Almost Royal Family is a American television teen comedy that aired as a ABC Afterschool Special on October 23, 1984. The program was based on the 1973 novel Meanwhile, Back At the Castle, by Hope Campbell.[1]
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When the Henderson family learn that they had inherit a small island located in the middle of the St. Lawrence Seaway, this does not please some of the younger members of this New York family, especially the eldest daughter Suzanne, who idolizes Diana, Princess of Wales and wishes for a life of royalty. That wish is about to come true when, while attempting to buy supplies at a American general store, they learn that the island is the subject of a border dispute between the United States and Canada. Suzanne, miffed that the family just became part of a political issue between the two countries, decide to solve the problem: by suggesting that the family declare their independence... from both the US and Canada! The implications causes the family to face a lot more than just their nationality.